Commissioned artist in primarily architectural works in watercolor, oil and graphite
I love that God has given us so much beauty in this world to enjoy. I love that He has put within each of us a desire to be creative, gifting each individual with unique abilities and desires so that no creation is just like another. Just as our Creator fashioned this dazzling world, He has put within us that same desire to fashion beautiful things, to create, to design. And in each of us that creativity manifests itself in different ways… for one skillfully crafting words together in writing, for someone else painting, for still another decorating, or for another the ability to speak eloquently about a beloved subject, or the trained eye to capture a beautiful image with photography, or the ability to design a computer program, or the aptitude to understand finances, or the passion to garden… but we all have that divine spark of creativity. It just blows me away as each person’s giftedness comes shining through. What a blessing to be able to bring beauty to the world through creativity.
Christi Bunn’s fine art paintings and drawings have been commissioned by clients across the United States and in the U.K. She is sought out for her architectural pieces, from homes to churches to commercial buildings and more. While her special attention to detail and faithful representation of perspective lends itself to fine architectural works, she has also done portraits of people and animals. When she is not working on commissioned pieces, she loves doing paintings in vivid color of everything from florals to landscapes to scenes of everyday life. She is inspired by the beauty she finds around her every day and by the Creator whose hand is in every part of that beauty.